
How to contribute

You can contribute to improve Django Dynamic Scraper in many ways:

  • If you stumbled over a bug or have suggestions for an improvements or a feature addition report an issue on the GitHub page with a good description.
  • If you have already fixed the bug or added the feature in the DDS code you can also make a pull request on GitHub. While I can’t assure that every request will be taken over into the DDS source I will look at each request closely and integrate it if I fell that it’s a good fit!
  • Since this documentation is also available in the Github repository of DDS you can also make pull requests for documentation!

Here are some topics for which suggestions would be especially interesting:

  • If you worked your way through the documentation and you were completely lost at some point, it would be helpful to know where that was.
  • If there are unnecessary limitations of the Scrapy functionality in the DDS source which could be eliminated without adding complexity to the way you can use DDS that would be very interesting to know.

And finally: please let me know about how you are using Django Dynamic Scraper!

Running the test suite


Tests for DDS are organized in a separate tests Django project in the root folder of the repository. Due to restrictions of Scrapy’s networking engine Twisted, DDS test cases directly testing scrapers have to be run as new processes and can’t be executed sequentially via python test.

For running the tests first go to the tests directory and start a test server with:


Then you can run the test suite with:



If you are testing for DDS Django/Scrapy version compatibility: there might be 2-3 tests generally not working properly, so if just a handful of tests don’t pass have a closer look at the test output.

Django test apps

There are currently two Django apps containing tests. The basic app testing scraper unrelated functionality like correct processor output or scheduling time calculations. These tests can be run on a per-file-level:

python test basic.processors_test.ProcessorsTest

The scraper app is testing scraper related functionality. Tests can either be run via shell script (see above) or on a per-test-case level like this:

python test scraper.scraper_run_test.ScraperRunTest.test_scraper #Django 1.6+
python test scraper.ScraperRunTest.test_scraper #Django up to 1.5

Have a look at the shell script for more examples!

Running ScrapyJS/Splash JS rendering tests

Unit tests testing ScrapyJS/Splash Javascript rendering functionality need a working ScrapyJS/Splash (docker) installation and are therefor run separately with:


Test cases are located in scraper.scraper_js_run_test.ScraperJSRunTest. Some links:

SPLASH_URL in has to be adopted to your local installation to get this running!

Docker container can be run with:

docker run -p 5023:5023 -p 8050:8050 -p 8051:8051 -d scrapinghub/splash

Release Notes

Changes in version 0.13.2-beta (2019-02-15)

Changes in version 0.13.1-beta (2017-11-07)

  • Replaced hard-coded port 6800 for scheduled scraper/checker runs with setting from Scrapyd (thanks @DeanSherwin for the PR)
  • Renamed internal item variables item._dds_item_page to item._dds_item_page_num, and item._dds_item_follow_page to item._dds_item_follow_page_num (eventually have a look at your custom file if used there), use item._dds_item_page for storing the page from the pagination

Changes in version 0.13.0-beta (2017-06-29)

  • Pre-note: Due to an increasing test burden, this library might drop Python 2.7 support in the foreseable future (not decided yet, if so, probably within 6-12 month). If you haven’t already done so you might want to start upgrading your projects to run on a Python 3 basis.
  • New, second pagination layer with FOLLOW pagination type, building upon pull request #24 and allow for dynamic pagination by extracting an URL to follow from consequent pages (for example to follow pagination on the website to scrape). This can be combined with other pagination types (currently RANGE_FUNC and FREE_LIST). See the updated Pagination section for further details.
  • Dropped support for Scrapy 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, please update your Scrapy version to the latest 1.4 release version
  • Using response.follow function from Scrapy 1.4 for following detail page URLs links (supports relative URLs)
  • New migrations 0022, 0023, 0024 and 0024,please run python migrate command

Added short forms for command line options:

  • Allowing/enabling {page} placeholders for HEADERS, BODY, COOKIES fields and FORM DATA for detail page URL requests (so you can inject the current page from the main page into the detail page URL request)
  • Output DDS configuration dict on DEBUG log level
  • Added a general settings tab for the scraper form in the Django admin
  • Fixed scraper elem textarea resize for the Django admin scraper form
  • Added new option UNRESOLVED to scraper work_status

Changes in version 0.12.4-beta (2017-06-12)

Added possibility to select an internal work_status for a scraper to ease getting an overview where work needs to be done, following values are possible:

      ('R2', 'REVISION NEEDED (MAJOR)'),
      ('R1', 'REVISION NEEDED (MINOR)'),
      ('BR', 'BROKEN'),
      ('W', 'WORKING'),
      ('BE', 'BETA'),
      ('A', 'ALPHA'),
      ('D', 'DRAFT'),
      ('S', 'SUSPENDED'),
      ('U', 'UNKNOWN'),
      ('N', 'NOT SET'),
  • Added owner attribute to scraper to assign scrapers to different owners when working on scrapers with various people (implemented as a simple/short plain text field to not endanger ex-/importability of scrapers)
  • New migrations 0020, 0021 please run python migrate command

Changes in version 0.12.3-beta (2017-06-09)

  • Allowing placeholders with item attributes scraped from the main page in HEADERS, BODY, COOKIES fields and FORM DATA for detail page URL requests
  • Fixing a bug causing log level setting on CL (with -L or --loglevel) not setting the correct log levels for different loggers
  • Using log level WARNING for a condensed output format for many-items/pages scraper runs by adding structural information (“Starting to crawl item x.”, “Item x saved.”) to the log output
  • New spider method struct_log(msg) used for logging structural information like above, if you want to include the “Item saved” log output in the WARNING log level output adopt your custom file according to the one in the example project (see: Adding the pipeline class)
  • Added DEBUG log level output for placeholder replacements
  • Added additional logging output for calling detail page URLs and the additional request information (Headers, Body,…) sent

Changes in version 0.12.2-beta (2017-06-07)

  • Added use_default_procs attribute to scraper elems to allow switching of the usage of the default processors (Scrapy TakeFirst, DDS string_strip) (see: Default Processors), new migration 0018, please run python migrate command
  • New join processor for convenience (see: Predefined Processors) analogue to Join processor from Scrapy, has to be used with default processors deactivated
  • Official support for Scrapy 1.4 (no changes in the codebase though)
  • Declared Python 3.4+ support as stable
  • Closing DB connection when spider run is finished (GitHub issue #84)
  • Set LOG_STDOUT to False in example project scraper settings due to a bug prevent scheduling from working when setting is activated (GitHub issue #80)
  • Also define an attribute update (STANDARD (UPDATE)) field as a successful action causing the scheduler to reset the zero actions counter and not increase time between scraper runs up to the max time (GitHub issue #88)

Changes in version 0.12.1-beta (2017-06-03)

  • Fixed twisted logging filter, causing DDS completely refuse working under Python 2.7

Changes in version 0.12.0-beta (2017-05-12)

This release comes with a completely overhauled output formatting for scraper runs on the command line which should make it a lot easier to quickly grasp what your scrapers are doing and where things go wrong. Here is a sample output of a scraper run:


This is the output from the INFO log level (log level is taken from the Scrapy LOG_LEVEL setting) which should in most cases now suffice for normal scraper runs and debugging.

Some of the goodies:

  • Formatted attribute output with extra info on attribute source (MP, DP) and request type
  • Numbering of attributes by page, item number combination to easier track attributes belonging to one scraped object
  • Colors for structuring the scraping output and indicate success/failure (works on both dark/light background terminals, dark theme is recommended though)
  • Largely reducing the noise by supressing twisted traceroute output on INFO log level

If you want item numbering and colors also in your “Item saved.” log output messages you have to adopt your custom class (see: Adding the pipeline class, adopt the spider.log command).


There is still a known bug of the -L LOG_LEVEL setting from the command line not properly taken in some cases, if you have problems here use the LOG_LEVEL setting in your file.

There is now also an easier way to get help on the different command line options for scraper/checker runs and scraper test by typing the command without any options, e.g.:

scrapy crawl article_spider

Other changes:

  • New -a start_page=PAGE and -a end_page=PAGE options for setting a range of pages to scrape
  • Fixed a bug with STANDARD (UPDATE) scraped object attributes
  • Replaced DOUBLE keyword-injecting (and bug causing?) workaround mechanism with _is_double meta attribute for scraped items

Changes in version 0.11.6-beta (2017-04-21)

  • Fixed severe bug preventing scheduling to work with Python 3

Changes in version 0.11.5-beta (2017-04-20)

Changes in version 0.11.4-beta (2017-03-28)

  • Added initial migrations for example project
  • New optional argument output_response_body for checker run and checker test commands for easier checker debugging (see: Running your checkers and Run checker tests)

Changes in version 0.11.3-beta (2016-11-06)

  • New processor substr_replace for replacing a substring occurring one or multiple times in the scraped element with a target string (see: Predefined Processors)

Changes in version 0.11.2-beta (2016-08-15)

  • IMPORTANT BUG FIX RELEASE! Fixes a bug saving only one thumbnail size when several thumbnail sizes are defined with IMAGES_THUMBS setting, bug was introduced with changes in DDS v.0.11.0

Changes in version 0.11.1-beta (2016-08-05)

Changes in version 0.11.0-beta (2016-05-13)

  • First major release version with support for new Scrapy 1.0+ structure (only Scrapy 1.1 officially supported)
  • From this release on older Scrapy versions like 0.24 are not supported any more, please update your Scrapy version!
  • Beta Python 3 support
  • Support for Django 1.9
  • The following manual adoptions in your project are necessary:
    • Scrapy’s DjangoItem class has now moved from scrapy.contrib.djangoitem to a separate repository scrapy-djangoitem ( see Scrapy docs). The package has to be separately installed with pip install scrapy-djangoitem and the import in your class has to be changed to from scrapy_djangoitem import DjangoItem (see: Creating your Django models)
    • Due to Scrapy`s switch to Python`s build-in logging functionality the logging calls in your custom pipeline class have to be slightly changed, removing the from scrapy import log import and changing the log.[LOGLEVEL] attribute handover in the log function call to logging.[LOGLEVEL] (see: Adding the pipeline class)
    • Change except IntegrityError, e: to except IntegrityError as e: in your custom module (see: Adding the pipeline class)
  • Following changes have been made:
    • Changed logging to use Python’s build-in logging module
    • Updated import paths according to Scrapy release documentation
    • Running most of the unit tests in parallel batches (when using the shell scripts) to speed up test runs
    • Updated django-celery version requirement to 3.1.17 to work with Django 1.9
    • Updated open_news example fixture, introduction of versioned fixture data dumps
    • Removed dependency on scrapy.xlib.pydispatch being removed in Scrapy 1.1 (former DDS v.0.10 releases will break with Scrapy 1.1)
  • If you use Scrapy/Splash for Javascript rendering:
    • Updated dependencies, replaced scrapyjs with scrapy-splash (renaming), please update your dependencies accordingly!
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed bug with DSCRAPER_IMAGES_STORE_FORMAT set to THUMBS not working correctly

Changes in version 0.10.0-beta EXPERIMENTAL (2016-01-27)

  • Experimental release branch no longer maintained, please see release notes for 0.11.

Changes in version 0.9.6-beta (2016-01-26)

  • Fixed a severe bug causing scrapers to break when scraping unicode text
  • Making unicode text scraping more robust
  • Added several unit tests testing unicode string scraping/usage in various contexts
  • Reduce size of textarea fields in scraper definitions
  • Added order attribute for scraped object attributes for convenience when editing scrapers (see: Defining the object to be scraped)
  • New migration 0017, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.9.5-beta (2016-01-18)

  • Fixed a severe bug when using non-saved detail page URLs in scrapers

Changes in version 0.9.4-beta (2016-01-15)

  • Fixed a critical bug when using non-saved fields for scraping leading to incorrect data attribution to items

Changes in version 0.9.3-beta (2016-01-14)

  • New command line options output_num_mp_response_bodies and output_num_dp_response_bodies for logging the complete response bodies of the first {Int} main/detail page responses to the screen for debugging (for the really hard cases :-)) (see: Running/Testing your scraper)

Changes in version 0.9.2-beta (2016-01-14)

  • New processor remove_chars (see: Processors) for removing one or several type of chars from a scraped string

Changes in version 0.9.1-beta (2016-01-13)

  • Allowing empty x_path scraper attribute fields for easier appliance of static processor to fill in static values
  • Enlargening x_path, reg_exp and processor fields in Django admin scraper definition from CharField to TextField for more extensive x_path, reg_exp and processor definitions and more comfortable input/editing
  • New command line option max_pages_read for limiting the number of pages read on test runs (see: Running/Testing your scraper)
  • New migration 0016, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.9.0-beta (2016-01-11)

  • BREAKING!!! This release slighly changes the semantics of the internal ValidationPipeline class in dynamic_scraper/ to also pass items to your custom user pipeline when the do_action command line parameter (see: Running/Testing your scraper) is not set. This creates the need of an additional if spider.conf['DO_ACTION']: restriction in your custom user pipeline function (see: Adding the pipeline class). Make sure to add this line, otherwise you will get unwanted side effects. If you do more stuff in your custom pipeline class also have a broader look if this new behaviour changes your processing (you should be save though if you apply the if restriction above to all of your code in the classs).
  • Decoupling of DDS Django item save mechanism for the pipeline processing to allow the usage of Scrapy`s build-in output options --output=FILE and --output-format=FORMAT to scrape items into a file instead of the DB (see: Running/Testing your scraper).
  • The above is the main change, not touching too much code. Release number nevertheless jumped up a whole version number to indicate a major breaking change in using the library!
  • Another reason for the new 0.9 version number is the amount of new features being added throuhout minor 0.8 releases (more flexible checker concept, monitoring functionality, attribute placeholders) to point out the amount of changes since 0.8.0.

Changes in version 0.8.13-beta (2016-01-07)

  • Expanded detail page URL processor placeholder concept to generic attribute placeholders (Attribute Placeholders)
  • Unit test for new functionality

Changes in version 0.8.12-beta (2016-01-06)

  • Fixed Clone Scraper Django admin action omitting the creation of RequestPageType and Checker objects introduced in the 0.8 series
  • Narrowing the requirements for Pillow to 3.x versions to reduce possible future side effects

Changes in version 0.8.11-beta (2016-01-05)

  • New Attribute Placeholders (previously: detail page URL placeholder) which can be used for more flexible detail page URL creation
  • Unit test for new functionality

Changes in version 0.8.10-beta (2015-12-04)

  • New --with-next-alert flag for monitoring management cmds to reduce amount of mail alerts, see updated Monitoring section for details
  • More verbose output for monitoring management cmds
  • New migration 0015, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.8.9-beta (2015-12-01)

  • Minor changes

Changes in version 0.8.8-beta (2015-12-01)

  • Fixed a bug in Django admin from previous release

Changes in version 0.8.7-beta (2015-12-01)

  • New syntax/semantics of management commands check_last_checker_deletes and check_last_scraper_saves
  • Added last_scraper_save_alert_period and last_checker_delete_alert_period alert period fields for scraper, new migration 0014, run Django migrate command
  • New fields are used for providing time periods for the lowest accepted value for last scraper saves and checker deletes, these values are then checked by the management commands above (see: Monitoring)
  • Older timestamps for current values of a scraper for last_scraper_save and last_checker_delete also trigger a visual warning indication in the Django admin scraper overview page

Changes in version 0.8.6-beta (2015-11-30)

  • Two new management commands check_last_checker_deletes and check_last_scraper_saves which can be run as a cron job for basic scraper/checker monitoring (see: Monitoring)

Changes in version 0.8.5-beta (2015-11-30)

  • New last_scraper_save, last_checker_delete datetime attributes for Scraper model for monitoring/ statistis purposes (can be seen on Scraper overview page in Django admin)
  • New migration 0013, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.8.4-beta (2015-11-27)

Starting update process for Python 3 support with this release (not there yet!)

  • Fixed severe bug in preventing checker scheduling to work
  • New dependency on Python-Future 0.15+ to support integrated Python 2/3 code base, please install with pip install future
  • Updating several files for being Python 2/3 compatible

Changes in version 0.8.3-beta (2015-10-01)

  • More flexible checker concept now being an own Checker model class and allowing for more than one checker for a single scraper. This allows checking for different URLs or xpath conditions.
  • Additional comment fields for RequestPageTypes and Checkers in admin for own notes
  • Adopted unit tests to reflect new checker structure
  • self.scrape_url = self.ref_object.url assignment in checker python class not used any more (see: Creating a checker class), you might directly want to remove this from your project class definition to avoid future confusion
  • Some docs rewriting for Checker creation (see: Defining/Running item checkers)
  • New migrations 0011, 0012, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.8.2-beta (2015-09-24)

  • Fixed bug preventing checker tests to work
  • Added Javascript rendering to checkers
  • Fixed a bug letting checkers/checker tests choose the wrong detail page URL for checking under certain circumstances

Changes in version 0.8.1-beta (2015-09-22)

  • Fixed packaging problem not including custom static Django admin JS file (for RequestPageType admin form collapse/expand)

Changes in version 0.8.0-beta (2015-09-22)

  • New request page types for main page and detail pages of scrapers (see: Adding corresponding request page types):
    • Cleaner association of request options like content or request type to main or detail pages (see: Advanced Request Options)
    • More flexibility in using different request options for main and detail pages (rendering Javascript on main but not on detail pages, different HTTP header or body values,…)
    • Allowance of several detail page URLs per scraper
    • Possibility for not saving the detail page URL used for scraping by unchecking corresponding new ScrapedObjClass attribute save_to_db
  • ATTENTION! This release comes with heavy internal changes regarding both DB structure and scraping logic. Unit tests are running through, but there might be untested edge cases. If you want to use the new functionality in a production environment please do this with extra care. You also might want to wait for 2-3 weeks after release and/or for a following 0.8.1 release (not sure if necessary yet). If you upgrade it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO BACKUP YOUR PROJECT AND YOUR DB before!
  • Replaced Scrapy Spider with CrawlSpider class being the basis for DjangoBaseSpider, allowing for more flexibility when extending
  • Custom migration for automatically creating new RequestPageType objects for existing scrapers
  • Unit tests for new functionality
  • Partly restructured documentation, separate Installation section
  • Newly added static files, run Django collectstatic command (collaps/expand for RequestPageType inline admin form)
  • New migrations 0008, 0009, 0010, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.7.3-beta (2015-08-10)

  • New attribute dont_filter for Scraper request options (see: Advanced Request Options), necessary for some scenarios where Scrapy falsely marks (and omits) requests as being duplicate (e.g. when scraping uniform URLs together with custom HTTP header pagination)
  • Fixed bug preventing processing of JSON with non-string data types (e.g. Number) for scraped attributes, values are now automatically converted to String
  • New migration 0007, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.7.2-beta (2015-08-06)

  • Added new method attribute to Scraper not binding HTTP method choice (GET/POST) so strictly to choice of request_type (allowing e.g. more flexible POST requests), see: Advanced Request Options
  • Added new body attribute to Scraper allowing for sending custom request HTTP message body data, see: Advanced Request Options
  • Allowing pagination for headers, body attributes
  • Allowing of ScrapedObjectClass definitions in Django admin with no attributes defined as ID field (omits double checking process when used)
  • New migration 0006, run Django migrate command

Changes in version 0.7.1-beta (2015-08-03)

  • Fixed severe bug preventing pagination for cookies and form_data to work properly
  • Added a new section in the docs for Advanced Request Options
  • Unit tests for some scraper request option selections

Changes in version 0.7.0-beta (2015-07-31)

  • Adding additional HTTP header attributes to scrapers in Django admin
  • Cookie support for scrapers
  • Passing Scraper specific Scrapy meta data
  • Support for form requests, passing form data within requests
  • Pagination support for cookies, form data
  • New migration 0005, run Django migrate command
  • All changes visible in Scraper form of Django admin
  • ATTENTION! While unit tests for existing functionality all passing through, new functionality is not heavily tested yet due to problems in creating test scenarios. If you want to use the new functionality in a production environment please test with extra care. You also might want to wait for 2-3 weeks after release and/or for a following 0.7.1 release (not sure if necessary yet)
  • Please report problems/bugs on GitHub.

Changes in version 0.6.0-beta (2015-07-14)

  • Replaced implicit and static ID concept of mandatory DETAIL_PAGE_URL type attribute serving as ID with a more flexible concept of explicitly setting ID Fields for ScrapedObjClass in Django admin (see: Defining the object to be scraped)
  • New attribute id_field for ScrapedObjClass, please run Django migrate command (migration 0004)
  • DETAIL_PAGE_URL type attribute not necessary any more when defining the scraped object class allowing for more scraping use cases (classic and simple/flat datasets not referencing a certain detail page)
  • Single DETAIL_PAGE_URL type ID Field still necessary for using DDS checker functionality (see: Defining/Running item checkers)
  • Additional form checks for ScrapedObjClass definition in Django admin

Changes in version 0.5.2-beta (2015-06-18)

  • Two new processors ts_to_date and ts_to_time to extract local date/time from unix timestamp string (see: Processors)

Changes in version 0.5.1-beta (2015-06-17)

  • Make sure that Javascript rendering is only activated for pages with HTML content type

Changes in version 0.5.0-beta (2015-06-10)

  • Support for creating JSON/JSONPath scrapers for scraping JSON encoded pages (see: Scraping JSON content)
  • Added new separate content type choice for detail pages and checkers (e.g. main page in HTML, detail page in JSON)
  • New Scraper model attribute detail_page_content_type, please run Django migration command (migration 0003)
  • New library dependency python-jsonpath-rw 1.4+ (see Requirements)
  • Updated unit tests to support/test JSON scraping

Changes in version 0.4.2-beta (2015-06-05)

Changes in version 0.4.1-beta (2015-06-04)

Changes in version 0.4.0-beta (2015-06-02)

  • Support for Django 1.7/1.8 and Scrapy 0.22/0.24. Earlier versions not supported any more from this release on, if you need another configuration have a look at the DDS 0.3.x branch (new features won’t be back-ported though) (see Release Compatibility Table)
  • Switched to Django migrations, removed South dependency
  • Updated core library to work with Django 1.7/1.8 (Django 1.6 and older not working any more)
  • Replaced deprecated calls logged when run under Scrapy 0.24 (Scrapy 0.20 and older not working any more)
  • Things to consider when updating Scrapy: new ITEM_PIPELINES dict format, standalone scrapyd with changed scrapy.cfg settings and new deployment procedure (see: Scrapy Configuration)
  • Adopted example_project and tests Django projects to work with the updated dependecies
  • Updated open_news.json example project fixture
  • Changed DDS status to Beta

Changes in version 0.3.14-alpha (2015-05-30)

  • Pure documentation update release to get updated Scrapy 0.20/0.22/.24 compatibility info in the docs (see: Release Compatibility Table)

Changes in version 0.3.13-alpha (2015-05-29)

  • Adopted test suite to pass through under Scrapy 0.18 (Tests don’t work with Scrapy 0.16 any more)
  • Added Scrapy 0.18 to release compatibility table (see: Release Compatibility Table)

Changes in version 0.3.12-alpha (2015-05-28)

  • Added new release compatibility overview table to docs (see: Release Compatibility Table)
  • Adopted script to run with Django 1.6
  • Tested Django 1.5, Django 1.6 for compatibility with DDS v.0.3.x
  • Updated title xpath in fixture for Wikinews example scraper

Changes in version 0.3.11-alpha (2015-04-20)

  • Added only-active and --report-only-erros options to run_checker_tests management command (see: Run checker tests)

Changes in version 0.3.10-alpha (2015-03-17)

  • Added missing management command for checker functionality tests to distribution (see: Run checker tests)

Changes in version 0.3.9-alpha (2015-01-23)

  • Added new setting DSCRAPER_IMAGES_STORE_FORMAT for more flexibility with storing original and/or thumbnail images (see Scraping images/screenshots)

Changes in version 0.3.8-alpha (2014-10-14)

  • Added ability for duration processor to break down and parse second values greater than one hour in total (>= 3600 seconds) (see: Processors)

Changes in version 0.3.7-alpha (2014-03-20)

  • Improved run_checker_tests management command with --send-admin-mail flag for usage of command in cronjob (see: Run checker tests)

Changes in version 0.3.6-alpha (2014-03-19)

  • Added new admin action clone_scrapers to get a functional copy of scrapers easily

Changes in version 0.3.5-alpha (2013-11-02)

  • Add super init method to call init method in Scrapy BaseSpider class to DjangoBaseSpider init method (see Pull Request #32)

Changes in version 0.3.4-alpha (2013-10-18)

  • Fixed bug displaying wrong message in checker tests
  • Removed run_checker_tests celery task (which wasn’t working anyway) and replaced it with a simple Django management command run_checker_tests to run checker tests for all scrapers

Changes in version 0.3.3-alpha (2013-10-16)

  • Making status list editable in Scraper admin overview page for easier status change for many scrapers at once
  • Possibility to define x_path checkers with blank checker_x_path_result, the checker is then succeeding if elements are found on page (before this lead to an error message)

Changes in version 0.3.2-alpha (2013-09-28)

Changes in version 0.3.1-alpha (2013-09-03)

  • Possibility to add keyword arguments to spider and checker task method to specify which reference objects to use for spider/checker runs (see: Defining your tasks)

Changes in version 0.3-alpha (2013-01-15)

  • Main purpose of release is to upgrade to new libraries (Attention: some code changes necessary!)
  • Scrapy 0.16: The DjangoItem class used by DDS moved from scrapy.contrib_exp.djangoitem to scrapy.contrib.djangoitem. Please update your Django model class accordingly (see: Creating your Django models).
  • Scrapy 0.16: BOT_VERSION setting no longer used in Scrapy/DDS file (see: Setting up Scrapy)
  • Scrapy 0.16: Some minor import changes for DDS to get rid of deprecated settings import
  • Django 1.5: Changed Django settings configuration, please update your Scrapy/DDS file (see: Setting up Scrapy)
  • django-celery 3.x: Simpler installation, updated docs accordingly (see: Installing/configuring django-celery for DDS)
  • New log output about which Django settings used when running a scraper

Changes in version 0.2-alpha (2012-06-22)

  • Substantial API and DB layout changes compared to version 0.1
  • Introduction of South for data migrations

Changes in version 0.1-pre-alpha (2011-12-20)

  • Initial version




Django Dynamic Scraper’s pre-alpha phase was meant to be for people interested having a first look at the library and give some feedback if things were making generally sense the way they were worked out/conceptionally designed or if a different approach on implementing some parts of the software would have made more sense.


DDS is currently in alpha stadium, which means that the library has proven itself in (at least) one production environment and can be (cautiously) used for production purposes. However being still very early in develpment, there are still API and DB changes for improving the lib in different ways. The alpha stadium will be used for getting most parts of the API relatively stable and eliminate the most urgent bugs/flaws from the software.

beta (current)

In the beta phase the API of the software should be relatively stable, though occasional changes will still be possible if necessary. The beta stadium should be the first period where it is save to use the software in production and beeing able to rely on its stability. Then the software should remain in beta for some time.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0 will be reached when the software has matured in the beta phase and when at least 10+ projects are using DDS productively for different purposes.